Hello! It's great to meet you!
I'm Mary - wife, mom, grandma, friend, farmer, and always a photographer. I'm a "city girl" transplanted to our farm in northeast Iowa, where I quickly learned to drive a tractor, combine, and any other machinery I encountered. Farming fuels my love of the outdoors and gives me a chance to enjoy the beauty of each season. I love to spend my free time enjoying my fun-loving family, laughing with my great friends, and lending a hand in my community. Osage, Iowa is a beautiful place to enjoy, explore, and call home.

My Story

Capturing happiness is more than just catching smiles. It's recording the subtleties of being together. It's catching the knowing glances, the eye rolls, the "I don't know what to do with my hands" look, the group hugs, or my favorite…a sweet kiss on the forehead. It's taking a senior's picture with their parents. It's the grandparents and grandkids all snuggled together. It's the moms and dads having a moment with just each other. It's your family, your day, and your special time to cherish! Photographing these moments brings me so much happiness, and I am grateful to share that happiness with you!
I'm excited to hear about your special occasion, celebration, or event coming up. Together, we can create a plan and capture your happiness!
I can't wait to hear from you!
Mary Klaes
Who I Am
What I Do


How It Works
Get Ready
After we get you officially booked, I'll send you a quick questionnaire to personalize your session and make your day a breeze. We'll choose a time and place to take the photos (and make a weather backup plan). I'll help you prepare with some tips for what to wear and what to bring with you.
Let's Shoot
Now comes the best part…taking your photos! Depending on the season, I will scope out a few location ideas ahead of time, but if there is somewhere specific you’d like to try, we can plan for that. I’ll bring the camera, you bring your smiles. Couldn’t be easier!
And Enjoy!
Browse your digital gallery and admire the beautiful smiles! You can view your images, download and share to social media, print them directly from your gallery, or even make a canvas to hang over the fireplace! I love to see how my clients enjoy their memories.


Please fill out the form below to begin booking your session.
I'll be in touch to discuss details and talk dates!